In Conversation with Mike Kaiser

 Registration is closed for this event
In 2023, the public service has been marked by the damning findings of the Robodebt Commission, the PwC tax scandal and, most recently, allegations that Home Affairs secretary Mike Pezzullo was colluding with Liberal powerbrokers to influence federal politics.

For Director General of the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, Mike Kaiser, rebuilding and maintaining trust in the public service means remembering that public service is a verb and his bosses are Queensland’s citizens. 

In a recent LinkedIn post to his 13,000+ followers he wrote: Robodebt reminds us that our overriding obligation is to the people. 

So what does a citizen-centric public service with a healthy, courageous relationship to government look like? Join us In Conversation with Mike Kaiser to find out his view.

Ask a question live or submit it to us via your event registration or email us at [email protected] by Monday, 13 November 2023.


Date: Tuesday, 21 November 2023
Time: 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Where: Online via Zoom 
QCOSS Members: Free
Non-Members: $80.00 

21 November 2023 - 2:30 pm through  3:30 pm
Event Fee(s)
QCOSS In Conversation
QCOSS Member $0.00
QUT C4J member $0.00
Non member $80.00