The Queensland Budget for 2024-25 is here

The 2024-25 Queensland Budget has been announced.

In the days after the yearly Queensland budget announcement, our Research and Policy team analyses any commitments and pledges line-by-line to assess the impact of state government decisions on each area of the community services sector.

We produce our analysis for your review during and after the QCOSS Queensland Budget Breakfast event.

Have your say on our budget priorites

What are your areas of greatest concern? What are you seeing at your service that needs urgent attention? We engage with you, our members, throughout the year to ensure we represent the sector’s needs in our budget submission.

We engage widely with QCOSS member organisations each year when drafting our Queensland budget submission.

Most recently, our budget priorities have been designed to improve sustainability of the community services sector, end the housing crisis, reduce the cost of living, give all children a good start, invest in youth services, and eliminate gender inequality.

The Queensland Government must invest in strategic, long-term initiatives that reduce homelessness and inequality.

Other ways you can get involved in our state budget advocacy

These practical, in-person sessions explore the emerging issues in local communities across Queensland. The sessions are critical to the QCOSS advocacy agenda, and we travel the width and breadth of Queensland to hear your voices each year.

The workshops inform the development of our annual State of the Sector report and provide the basis of our Queensland budget submission.

Our sector is the biggest employer in the state, our work with Queenslanders experiencing inequality and disadvantage is fundamental to the strength of our communities, and yet, too often, we are not adequately funded, resourced or recognised.

We can change this, but we need your firsthand knowledge and insight about what is happening on the ground. With your help, we can make our sector more sustainable.

Survey responses captured from Queensland community services inform our State of the Sector reports, and subsequent Queensland Budget advocacy.

Do you need additional government funding for programs or projects to meet the needs of your community?

There are many ways to seek further funding from government. This short step-by-step guide explains the process for preparing a budget priorities statement.

A budget priorities statement is different to an election ask. It is an annual submission written by your organisation that asks for money to be allocated for a purpose that you think the government should prioritise.

Budget submissions need not be complicated. They can be as short as one page and do not need to be written in formal language.

QCOSS’ popular In Conversation event series gives the community service sector exclusive access to Queensland’s political leaders and policy makers. Each year, we invite a senior representative from Queensland Treasury to unpack the Queensland budget process for our sector.