Centering Children’s Voices

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The QCOSS Quality Collaboration Network and Research and Evaluation Network warmly invite you to our June panel discussion on centring the voice of children and young people in research and evaluation.

Join us for this two-hour session where we invite you to think deeply and hear and learn from experts working with children and young people across sectors and systems, including child rights, health, children in care, and housing and homelessness. 

Part 1: Ethics in research with children and young people in the community sector:

  • What do researchers need to think about when conducting research with children and young people?
  • How can we centre the voices of First Nations children and young people in culturally safe and rights-respecting ways?
  • What does respecting children and young people in research and evaluation look like?

Part 2: Recent research, data tools and projects involving children and young people:

  • Designing and conducting a large-scale youth survey, Mission Australia’s duty of care, and 2023 results 
  • The QFCC Data Explorer tool, including overview of cost of living and housing topics.

Hear from our experienced panel:

  • Dr Elise Hilder (Research Officer), CREATE Foundation
  • Angela Young (Executive Director Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement), Children’s Health Queensland
  • Bronwyn Boon (Research and Insights Manager), Mission Australia
  • James Devereaux (Manager | Analysis, Insights & Reporting), QFCC
19 June 2024 - 9:30 am through 11:30 am
Online via Microsoft Teams