Skilling Queenslanders for Work: Tender Writing Workshop (North Coast)

 Registration is closed for this event
A practical workshop for those seeking to develop effective applications for Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) funding.

Funding bodies are looking for particular details in SQW application and successful applicants will need to abide by Queensland’s Human Rights Act (2019) and the new National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. This webinar will walk you through the process for developing an effective application and for meeting your organisational responsibilities if you receive funding.

Along the way, we will point out common application traps to avoid and help you hone your message to increase your chances of success.

SQW Tender Writing workshops also provide the opportunity to connect with your regional DESBT officers, who are invaluable for community organisations seeking to gain and effectively use SQW funding.

Who should attend? Program staff and managers of community services organisations who are intending to apply for SQW funding.

Lunch will be provided.

Participants may also be interested in DESBT's Introduction to SQW session, held in the morning.

23 February 2024 - 12:30 pm through  3:00 pm
Caboolture Hub - 4 Hasking St
Caboolture, QLD 4510
Event Fee(s)