Skilling Queenslanders for Work: Tender Writing Workshop (South East)
Even if you have previously been successful in obtaining Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) grants, this will be an opportunity to find out more about the nuances of delivering a SQW program in a training and development landscape that includes COVID.
Those delivering SQW projects will need to be aware of their obligations for aligning their programs with the Human Rights Act 2019 and the newly endorsed National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. This workshop will include an introduction to these frameworks and will extend knowledge and understanding about the reach of human rights and child safe practices into government funded programs.
Participants will be provided with a copy of the workshop presentation and useful resources to assist with tender writing.
Date: Monday, 7 August 2023
Time: 9:30am to 11:30am
Location: Online via Microsoft Teams