QCOSS takes pride in partnering with communities across Queensland to teach, support and promote place-based approaches. We are committed to place-based approaches and have worked in many parts of Queensland to use a place-based approach to tackle entrenched social issues.

We have found that the process of using a place-based approach, with a focus on engaging all elements of a community, can itself contribute to addressing issues such as social isolation and social division, as well as enhancing the suitability of the work to the local area by ensuring local input into local solutions.

Place-based work is important because it:

  • brings people together to collaboratively address the needs of individual communities by harnessing the vision, resources, experiences and opportunities present in each community
  • builds self-determination and collaboration, allowing communities to take control of any issues they face and find solutions that work locally.

Place-based Strategy

The QCOSS strategic plan includes a commitment to building hope and optimism across Queensland through engaged, inclusive and empowered communities. To develop our place-based strategy we have reflected on our previous place-based work and organised our actions into three key areas – doing, learning and leading change.

Doing - Working directly with communities to support place-based approaches and civic leadership. Learning - Growing Queensland's collective knowledge of place-based approaches. Leading change - Work with key influencers to plan, collaborate and bring about change that promotes place-based approaches across Queensland.

QCOSS guide and toolkit

QCOSS has drawn on our own experience, along with that of our Community of Practice, to develop an in-depth set of tools and resources to support anyone wishing to initiate and work on a place-based approach. This toolkit may be useful for community members, leaders, government, NGOs, community service organisations, philanthropic organisations and business.

25 October 2022