QCOSS acknowledges the important role that the Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) play in providing systemic oversight and advocacy within the child protection and family support system within Queensland. As identified in the independent review, the QFCC has delivered its legislative functions to a high standard and has maintained significant influence within the child protection system.

In regard to the Terms of Reference for the legislative review of the Family and Child Commission Act 2014 (the Act), we have limited our feedback to these items:

  • Whether any amendments should be made to the Act to provide for the enhanced independence of the QFCC in the performance of its current functions under the Act
  • Whether the Act should provide for an enhanced focus on First Nations children (in particular with respect to the Commissioner’s role) to help address the over representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the child protection system.
  • Whether any amendments to the Act are required to support more effective coordination between the QFCC, statutory bodies and other agencies/institutions
  • Determining how best to give effect to recommendation 11 of the QSAC report.
7 March 2023 |Service type: