This year’s state budget delivers the short-term financial relief struggling Queenslanders desperately need, the state’s peak body for community services says.

QCOSS CEO, Aimee McVeigh, says household bill relief, boosted financial support for families, long-term social housing investment, and more financial certainty for services providing both short and long-term solutions for the cost-of-living crisis.

“This is the biggest cost-of-living relief the state has ever seen and will make a difference for Queenslanders living pay cheque to pay cheque,” Ms McVeigh said.

“It will help put food on the table and into school lunchboxes, and it will help struggling Queenslanders who haven’t been turning on their heating to keep warm,” she said.

“It’s also good to see investment in social housing after decades of neglect. The $2.8 billion Homes for Queenslanders plan will shift the dial on the housing crisis and we’re heartened by the bipartisan approach to housing funding reflected in the state budget.

“Queenslanders now also need to hear the State Opposition’s long-term housing plan, including social housing targets.”

Ms McVeigh said it was disappointing to see limits on rent increases not addressed in the budget.

“Rent is by far one of the biggest pressures on household budgets for about one-third of Queenslanders, and this budget represents a missed opportunity for renters,” she said.

Ms McVeigh welcomed the increased investment in domestic and family violence services but said much more is needed.

“The cost-of-living crisis is putting pressure on households and sadly we are seeing an unprecedented increase in domestic and family violence. We are calling on the State Government to work in partnership with the sector to ensure we have the resources required to keep women and children safe in Queensland.”

Ms McVeigh said the budget was a win for the Make Queensland Fair campaign, which has been calling for greater household bill relief, greater financial support for families, an end to the housing crisis, and increased support for services.

“As we travel across the state, our members keep telling us that families are struggling to afford the cost of a basic standard of living,” Ms McVeigh said.

“Power, car registration, and public transport discounts are solid and measurable ways the State Government can share the state’s prosperity and provide relief to all Queenslanders.

“The extra money announced for food, emergency and financial relief will help put food on the table for vulnerable Queenslanders.

“This funding includes a doubling of state funding for Queensland Meals on Wheels, additional funding for OzHarvest and SecondBite to provide food relief, and extra funds for Foodbank Queensland to increase warehousing as demand for food soars.”

She said the $502 million Putting Queensland Kids First plan, the $26 million extra for free kindy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and the $15 million School and Community Food Relief Program provided important investments for children’s futures.

QCOSS now awaits the LNP’s budget reply on Thursday.