Supporting Diverse Workforces

 Registration is closed for this event
Workplace diversity is crucial – especially in the social services sector – and yet many organisations struggle to attract and retain diverse candidates. With sector workforce shortages at crisis point, it’s a critical time to re-evaluate and reform your human resources strategy to ensure it promotes genuinely diverse and inclusive hiring and workplaces.

In this five-part online series, QCOSS will give you the tools you need to build a stable and diverse employee base and communicate your organisation’s value to talented jobseekers. 

Each session includes information delivered by human resources experts and panellists, focusing on the experiences of diverse cohorts in the workforce. Case studies, stories, and lived experience will be shared to bring the human resources theory to life. 

This series is suited to leaders, managers, human resources (HR) professionals, and anyone working in the community services sector who is interested in creating a safe, supportive workforce that’s representative of their community. 

Session one: Make your diversity and inclusion workforce strategy come to life
Thursday, 22 February 2024: 10:00am - 11:30am 

Critical to maintaining employee wellbeing, satisfaction, and ultimately retention, is ensuring you have policy and practice in place through which employees feel included and heard.

Implementing a diversity and inclusion workforce strategy is a step to achieve this, as it is a formal commitment outlining what your organisation will do to create a more inclusive and diverse workforce. However, diversity and inclusion strategies need to align to an organisation’s goals and strategic direction for them to be effective. 

This session will establish the importance of diversity and inclusion workforce strategies for an organisation, its employees, and service users. Panellists will share their own experiences in relation to implementing diversity and inclusion strategies into their organisations, highlighting the key factors that lead to success.  

QCOSS is hosting this session that would be beneficial for those in executive roles within their organisation, and for those responsible for writing and implementing organisational strategy. 

Session two: Write a job ad that gets hits
Tuesday, 26 March 2024: 10:00am - 11:30am 

Australia is experiencing a skills and labour shortage: 31% of national organisations state that they cannot find people to fill roles, yet three million people nationally are actively looking for work (DCA, 2022). 

The way a position description and accompanying job advertisement is written can make a significant difference to who pays attention to it and who applies for the position. This session will highlight the ways in which you can communicate your organisation’s values to talented jobseekers and incorporate inclusive strategies into this process to attract diverse candidates.

Panellists will share practical tips on the best way to write a position description and how to accurately ‘sell’ the role you are hiring for. 

QCOSS invites those responsible for recruitment in their organisation to attend this session and be guided through the inclusive ways to attract the right candidate for your position. 

Session Three:  Where is everybody? Find the candidates you’re looking for
Tuesday, 23 April 2024: 10:00am - 11:30am

Writing an effective job advertisement is a great first step, but knowing the right channels to advertise your position will help to widen your applicant base and attract diverse candidates.

We often hear about organisations who want to employ a more diverse team but struggle to retain candidates through the whole recruitment process.  

In this session, we will explore ways you can build a diverse workforce by using a variety of channels to advertise your role and attract the right candidates. Panellists will share tips for inclusive recruitment methods to help your organisation make practical changes in how you recruit. By adopting inclusive recruitment methods you will ensure a positive experience for candidates, keeping them engaged and assured of your organisation’s commitment to supporting their employment with you. 

QCOSS invites those responsible for recruitment in their organisation to join us for this practical session. 

Session four: Create a healthy, confident, stable team through leadership 
Thursday 30 May 2024: 10:00am - 11:30am

Supporting employee wellbeing is one of the ways to ensure your team remains satisfied and brings their best to the role. How satisfied and supported your team feels when they come to work can significantly influence your internal culture, and impacts the quality of service delivered to your community. 

In this session, we will be diving into the practical ways managers can support their teams, particularly employees who may have diverse needs. 

QCOSS encourages team leaders, managers, and those who are actively supervising employees to join this discussion reviewing employee wellbeing and satisfaction. 

Session five: Performance management – navigating adjustments, support and expectations  
Thursday, 27 June 2024: 10:00am - 11:30am

Performance management is one of the most challenging aspects of workplace supervision, and too often is a reactive process. The way you manage the performance of your team will contribute to how respected and supported your team feels within your organisation.  Embracing diversity and being open to different ways of fulfilling performance review processes is key to creating an inclusive environment at work. 

In this session, we speak to panellists about the various ways to approach performance management in a way that navigates culture, ability and workplace expectations. 

QCOSS invites team leaders, managers, and those who are actively supervising employees to join us for this final ‘Supporting Diverse Workforces’ event. 


Summary of session times

Session One:
Date: Thursday, 22 February 2024
Time: 10:00am to 11:30am

Session Two:
Date: Tuesday, 26 March 2024
Time: 10:00am to 11:30am

Session Three:
Date: Tuesday, 23 April 2024
Time: 10:00am to 11:30am

Session Four:
Date: Thursday, 30 May 2024
Time: 10:00am to 11:30am

Session Five:
Date: Thursday, 27 June 2024
Time: 10:00am to 11:30am

Please note: Registering for one session will automatically register you for all five. You will receive a reminder email before each session.

27 June 2024 - 10:00 am through 11:30 am