Human Rights in Action: Understanding parents’ rights in the child protection system

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The rights of parents and families are limited within Queensland’s child protection system.


The Charter of Rights for Parents (the Charter) is a simple, powerful tool to support workers, parents and families in navigating the system and ensuring parents’ rights are upheld.

Join the Family Inclusion Network SEQ (FIN), parents with lived experience and the Queensland Human Rights Commission to understand the rights of families engaged in the child protection system and the importance of implementing human rights respecting practice.

This webinar focuses on supporting parents to understand their rights, advocating for human rights in the child protection system, and outcome changes possible through the Charter.

Family Inclusion Network, Southeast Queensland (FIN) is a network of parents and their allies working to improve the child protection and family support system. FIN brings together parents with lived (and living) experience, government and non-government agencies, to work collaboratively on policies and issues that affect families experiencing the child protection system. FIN is an activity of Micah Projects.

Event details

Date: Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Time: 10:30am to 11:30am
Location: Online via Microsoft Teams

28 November 2023 - 10:30 am through 11:30 am