The overnight decision to disband the parliamentary committee tasked with delivering answers to Queensland’s youth crime is deeply concerning for the community, victims and the hundreds of children languishing in detention centres and adult watchhouses across Queensland.

The Queensland Council of Social Service CEO Aimee McVeigh says treating this issue as a political one rather than a public policy challenge that needs an evidenced-based response is shameful.

“The last thing Queenslanders want to see right now is chest beating and political point scoring,” Ms McVeigh said.

“We need politicians to do their job and produce long term solutions for the sake of our children and for the safety and wellbeing of all Queensland communities.”

Ms McVeigh said any youth policy must be driven by evidence-based programs that deal with the root causes of offending, diverting children from crime, and getting them back to school.

“We need to take a longer-term view because we know the younger children are when they come in connection with the justice system, the more likely they are to go on to re-offend we urgently need programs that remove children younger than 14 from the justice system,’’ Ms McVeigh said.

“Queensland is currently detaining record levels of children and yet we have the highest rate of recidivism. Policies that seek to put more children in detention will not keep the community safer in the longer term.”