QCOSS supports the development and implementation of Our Place: A First Nations Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2024–2027 (the Action Plan).

In March 2023, QCOSS, Tenants Queensland and The Services Union, along with the Town of Nowhere campaign partners, commissioned the report ‘A blueprint to tackle Queensland’s housing crisis,’ (The Pawson Report), which clearly articulates the need for more affordable housing in Queensland, including housing that meets the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The Action Plan should aim to:

  • Increase the supply of high-quality social and affordable housing to meet current and future need.
  • Increase the capacity of community-controlled Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Housing Providers in Queensland. This should include transferring housing assets to community-controlled Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Housing Providers and increasing investment in these organisations to respond to local housing challenges.