QCOSS welcomes the Shaping South East Queensland Regional Plan 2023 Update (The Plan) and the opportunity to provide feedback.

We welcome the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning’s commitment to update The Plan to address existing housing shortages and respond to predicted increased demand for housing due to population growth in South East Queensland.

We support the following overarching key changes identified in relation to the Grow strategic goal:

  • updated dwelling supply targets to reflect fit for purpose population, demographics and household projections
  • adding new sub-targets including dwelling diversity targets and social and affordable housing targets
  • new and focused measures for monitoring and reporting to better inform implementation and ongoing policy refinement.

QCOSS supports work being undertaken by state agencies, including the Department of Housing to investigate introducing inclusionary planning requirements into the planning framework. Phasing in inclusionary zoning must result in obligating private developer social and affordable housing contributions.