Today’s Housing Summit Outcomes Report delivers short term relief for Queenslanders living through the state’s housing crisis, says the state’s peak community service body.

But the 45,958 people waiting on Queensland’s social housing register need houses built immediately, QCOSS CEO Aimee McVeigh says.

“QCOSS welcomes the housing relief measures announced today. Tenancy sustainment, targeted loans and grants will provide valued short-term relief to Queenslanders struggling to pay their rent in the middle of the current cost of living crisis,” McVeigh said.

“The national rental affordability index shows that rental affordability in Brisbane and regional Queensland has declined dramatically over the past two years. Regional Queensland is now the least affordable regional area in the country. To reverse this long-term trend, we need to tackle supply by increasing the number of homes built, regulating short term lettings and repurposing existing government assets.

“Community service organisations also welcome the funding provided to assist Queenslanders facing homelessness and requiring emergency accommodation. This, along with the cost-of-living relief, will help provide a reprieve to those facing housing and bill stress over the Christmas period.

“These announcements support Queenslanders already struggling in the middle of a shocking housing crisis. They do not provide a long-term plan to build sufficient homes for the 45,958 Queenslanders currently waiting on the social housing register.

“To end the housing crisis, the Palaszczuk Government must increase supply of houses and exponentially increase the rate at which they have been building social and affordable homes.

“Last financial year, the Palaszczuk Government built about 500 social homes, while the private sector completed more than 50,000 residential homes across the state.

“Last month’s Housing Summit saw some welcome announcements – including an extra $1 billion for the Housing Investment fund – but this will only build 2,800 houses in the next five years.

“We need to see 5,000 social and affordable homes built across Queensland each year for the next decade.

“We need a fit-for-purpose housing plan for every area in the state, including regional and remote Queensland.”

David O’Toole, CEO Kyabra, said he welcomed the engagement of multiple government departments to support the social and affordable housing project.

“While short term accommodation is critical, we also need to commence building longer term affordable housing at great scale and on a continuous basis over coming decades. Long-term investment will deliver social and economic benefits for Queensland into the future.”

QCOSS and Kyabra are partners in the Town of Nowhere campaign, seeking to end Queensland’s housing crisis. Find out more at