• Photo of people in a workplace, working together on projects

Human Services Quality Framework (HSQF)

The Human Services Quality Framework (HSQF) is the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services system for assessing and promoting improvement in the quality of human services delivered with departmental investment. The HSQF was developed in collaboration with the non-government sector to maintain important safeguards for people using services while streamlining quality requirements.

QCOSS provides a range of supports to assist the sector to implement the HSQF.

Free QCOSS support includes:

One-on-one or small group support

We can assist organisations that are new to HSQF to implement a quality system and prepare for their quality assessment activities. Organisations can contact QCOSS for support or be referred by their departmental contract officer.

Access resources and training

Free resources available online through the Community Door website. This includes a free HSQF eTraining course (you need to register for a free account to access this course).

Policy templates and supporting documents

These can be downloaded and customised by organisations.

Thoughts on governance

Safety, Risk and Insurance – Five Key Takeaways

Focusing on safety will help your not-for-profit protect (both its staff and the people it serves), comply with its legal obligations, and attract and retain funding, volunteers, staff and members. Here are five things you should know about safety, risk and insurance in your not-for-profit.

Reframing governance – an effective enabler for quality service delivery

Organisations are complex enterprises, and how they are run is equally so. It can help to think of governance as a bundle of components, including the organisation’s leadership, decision making and responsibility frameworks, risk identification and management, and relationships both within the organisation and between the organisation and its stakeholders.

Quality Collaboration Network (QCN)

The Quality Collaboration Network is a peer-led network for those involved in implementing the Human Services Quality Framework within their organisation. It provides an opportunity to share experiences, information and resources on audit and quality matters, as well as identifying common issues across the sector to inform system updates to government.

Monthly meetings offer guest speakers and discussion on a range of topics, while access to peers and experts provides a community of knowledge and experience to draw on for everyday support. Involvement is open to quality, policy or compliance risk professionals working in community services non-government organisations in Queensland.

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