Queensland’s economy is the strongest in the nation. The 2022-23 Report on State Finances shows that Queensland’s economy continued to grow over the last financial year, delivering a record surplus of $13.93 billion for 2022-23.

While Queensland’s budget position is strong, the pressure on household budgets is crippling.

Now is the time to give Queenslanders a fair share of the state’s prosperity.

Financial pressure on low-income households can be alleviated by ending Queensland’s housing crisis and reducing the cost of living. Investing in services, including to give all children a good start, diverting children under the age of 14 from the justice system and building the capacity of domestic and family violence services will ensure help is there when Queenslanders need it the most.

Community services sector budget priorities include:

  1. Improve sustainability of the community services sector: Develop a community services industry strategy with a goal of ensuring the financial sustainability of Queensland’s community services.
  2. End Queensland’s housing crisis: Develop a whole of government plan, coupled with sufficient investment, to ensure every Queenslander has a roof over their head by 2032.
  3. Reduce the cost of living: Continue energy bill relief measures and improve access to financial counselling services across Queensland, as well as programs that reduce digital disadvantage and food insecurity. Ensure low-income households are enabled to participate in Queensland’s energy transition.
  4. Give all children a good start: Establish additional community-led early year hubs and support the establishment and growth of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled kindergartens across Queensland. To support ongoing educational needs of all young people, implement key asks from the A Right to Learn campaign.
  5. Invest in Queensland’s youth services: Establish a comprehensive service system response for children under 14-years old who are in contact with the youth justice system.
  6. Advance women’s equality: Continue and expand gender responsive budgeting and gender responsive procurement across the Queensland Government. Increase funding for domestic, family and sexual violence services, as well as funding for women’s health services.

We need your voice

We are seeking feedback from QCOSS members on these budget asks until mid-January.

Please contact the QCOSS Policy and Research team at [email protected] or 07 3004 6910 to provide feedback or discuss our budget asks.