QCOSS leads the Town of Nowhere campaign advocating for change to end the housing crisis in Queensland. QCOSS is also a member of the Make Renting Fair Queensland Alliance and a partner of the national Everybody’s Home campaign.

In March 2023, QCOSS, Tenants Queensland and The Services Union, along with the Town of Nowhere campaign partners commissioned the report ‘A blueprint to tackle Queensland’s housing crisis’ (The Pawson Report), which clearly outlines the unprecedented housing crisis in Queensland.

This submission provides information about the rental and housing crisis in Queensland. It is informed by the Pawson Report, as well as other housing and cost of living research. QCOSS also gathered insights from member organisations to understand how the rental crisis is impacting on low-income households. These insights are discussed further in the QCOSS State of the Sector 2022 report.

Tenants Queensland, as a leader of tenancy advocacy and services in Queensland, have provided substantial guidance to inform this submission, with additional input from the National Association of Renters’ Organisation.

QCOSS’ position

Queensland’s current housing crisis has laid bare the vulnerabilities that exist in the rental market. Our frontline services are currently witnessing distressing levels of housing need and the human impacts of the same.

Law reform is required to limit rent increases, prevent no grounds evictions, ensure energy efficiency, and enable tenants to make minor modifications to their home.

Law reform alone will not be sufficient to address the housing crisis. QCOSS also calls for action across the housing system to address housing shortages and unaffordability. These actions must include:

  • substantial long-term investment in social housing from both federal and state governments
  • steps to address cost of living for people who have low and limited incomes, including increases to Commonwealth Rent Assistance and income support payments.
23 August 2023 |Service type: