Since 2016 QCOSS has partnered with the Queensland Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training to deliver webinars and workshops across the state to help community-based organisations respond effectively to funding applications for the Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) initiative.

Community-based not-for-profit organisations can apply for funding to start projects in local communities that provide direct assistance to people in Queensland who need support to gain the qualifications and skills needed to enter and stay in the workforce.

While the QCOSS-led workshops and webinars focus on Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative, the tips learned are designed to be used more broadly to help organisations with other funding proposals or grant applications.

Useful information, resources and links


Introduction to Skilling Queenslanders for Work

Skilling Queenslanders for Work Tender Writing Workshop

Tips and Tricks session

Project planning your SQW program

Using data to support your SQW application

Introduction to Skilling Queenslanders for Work

Skilling Queenslanders for Work Tender Writing Workshop

Tips and Tricks session

Project planning your SQW project

Using data to support your SQW application


‘Grant on a page’ template

Guide: Using data to strengthen your SQW funding application

SQW project planning guide and template (DOCX)

SQW project planning guide and template (PDF)

Your toolkit for crafting a great grant application

Manager Stacey De Calmer

Stacey De Calmer

Executive Director,
Sector Workforce Planning and Development

Email: [email protected]